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831 documents matched the search for Dronkers, Jaap in authors.
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The Importance of Cognitive Abilities at Primary School for Educational and Occupational Success in the Life Course of a Dutch Generation, born around 1940,
Jaap Dronkers, from University Library of Munich, Germany (1998)
Keywords: intelligence; income; education; occupational status;

Positieve maar ook negatieve effecten van etnische diversiteit in scholen op onderwijsprestaties? Een empirische toets met internationale PISA-data,
Jaap Dronkers, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2010)
Keywords: school achievement; social-economic composition of schools; ethnic composition of schools; ethnic diversity; country of destination; country of origin; differentiation of educational systems; pupils with an immigrant background; 15-year old pupils; PISA data

Positive but also negative effects of ethnic diversity in schools on educational performance? An empirical test using cross-national PISA data,
Jaap Dronkers, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2010)
Keywords: immigration; educational performance; country of origin; ethnic school diversity; social-economic school diversity; ethnic and social-economic share/average of schools; educational systems

Parental background, early scholastic ability, the allocation into secondary school tracks and language skills at the age of 15 years in a highly differentiated system: a test of the contradictions between a two- or three-level approach,
Jaap Dronkers, from Maastricht University, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) (2014) Downloads

Registered author: Jaap Dronkers

Explaining immigrant citizenship status. First and second generation immigrants in fifteen European states,
Jaap Dronkers and Maarten Vink, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2010)
Keywords: immigration; citizenship; european union; destination; origin

Choice and Effectiveness of Private and Public Schools in six countries. A reanalysis of three PISA data sets,
Jaap Dronkers and S Avram, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2009)
Keywords: private schools; public schools; PISA data; cross-national comparison; educational achievement

The differences in attitudes about their society between 14 year old pupils with and without an immigration background; a cross-national comparison,
Tijana Prokic and Jaap Dronkers, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2010)
Keywords: trust; immigrants; 14-year old pupils; cross-national analyses

School Achievement of Pupils From the Lower Strata in Public, Private Government-Dependent and Private Government-Independent Schools: A cross-national test of the Coleman-Hoffer thesis,
Rense Corten and Jaap Dronkers, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2005)
Keywords: school choice; private schools; public schools; class differential effect of schools; cross-national comparison; PISA data

School choice in the light of the effectiveness differences of various types of public and private school in 19 OECD countries,
Jaap Dronkers and Peter Robert, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2005)
Keywords: school choice; school effectiveness; public versus private schools; cross-national comparison; secondary education; PISA data

From public offices to the cultural or economic sector. How Dutch nobility kept its elite positions during the 20th century,
Jaap Dronkers and H Schijf, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2001)
Keywords: nobility; elite; cultural and business sector; constant noble advantage

The Effects of Immigration Policies and Labor Market Structures on the Income of Immigrants to the More Developed Countries of Europe and North America,
R.a Wanner and Jaap Dronkers, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2005)
Keywords: income; immigrants; cross-national analysis; labour market policies;

Effects of residential mobility on the educational opportunity of children in a society with a centralised educational system,
Jaap Dronkers and Annelies Vermeij, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2001)
Keywords: euducational performance; geographic monility; moving of households

A Cross-national analysis of the relations between school choice and effectiveness differences between private-independent and public schools,
Jaap Dronkers and S Avram, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2010)
Keywords: school choice; school effectiveness; PISA data; public schools; private government-independent schools

A cross-national analysis of the relations between school choice and effectiveness differences between private-dependent and public schools,
Jaap Dronkers and S Avram, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2009)
Keywords: school choice; school effectiveness; private-dependent and public schools; international comparison; PISA data

School sector variation on non-cognitive dimensions: are denominational schools different?,
S Avram and Jaap Dronkers, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2010)
Keywords: public schools; private schools; non-cognitive; value teaching; psychological integration; PISA data

Unemployment among immigrants in European labour markets: an analysis of origin and destination effects,
Fenella Fleischmann and Jaap Dronkers, in Work, Employment & Society (2010)
Keywords: European Union; gender; immigrants; social policy; unemployment

Selection on performance and tracking,
Roxanne Korthals and Jaap Dronkers, in Applied Economics (2016) Downloads

Tracking, schools’ entrance requirements and the educational performance of migrant students,
Jaap Dronkers and Roxanne Korthals, from Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp (2015)
Keywords: Cross-national comparison, migrant students, native students, education system, schools with and without entrance-selection based on prior achievement, PISA data, origin countries

Do Migrant Girls Always Perform Better? Differences between the Reading and Math Scores of 15-Year-Old Daughters and Sons of Migrants in PISA 2009 and Variations by Region of Origin and Country of Destination,
Nils Kornder and Jaap Dronkers, from Rockwool Foundation Berlin (RF Berlin) - Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM) (2012) Downloads

Can gender differences in the educational performance of 15-year old migrant pupils be explained by the gender equality in the countries of origin and destination?,
Jaap Dronkers and Nils Kornder, from Rockwool Foundation Berlin (RF Berlin) - Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM) (2013) Downloads

Single-parenthood among migrant children: Determinants and consequences for educational performance,
Jaap Dronkers and Matthijs Kalmijn, from Rockwool Foundation Berlin (RF Berlin) - Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM) (2013) Downloads

The positive effects of ethnic diversity in class on the educational performance of pupils in a multi-ethnic European metropole,
Sjaak Braster and Jaap Dronkers, from Rockwool Foundation Berlin (RF Berlin) - Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM) (2013)
Keywords: ethnic diversity, educational performance, classroom effects, multi-ethnic cities

Does regional ethnic diversity moderate the negative effect of school ethnic diversity on educational performance?,
Sjaak Braster and Jaap Dronkers, from Rockwool Foundation Berlin (RF Berlin) - Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM) (2014) Downloads

The Effects of Social and Labour Market Policies of EU-countries on the Socio-Economic Integration of First and Second Generation Immigrants from Different Countries of Origin,
Fenella Fleischmann and Jaap Dronkers, from European University Institute (2007)
Keywords: immigration, integration, labour market, European Union, social policy

Can gender differences in the educational performance of 15-year old migrant pupils be explained by the gender equality in the countries of origin and destination?,
Jaap Dronkers and N. Kornder, from Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE) (2013) Downloads

Do migrant girls always perform better? Differences between the reading and math scores of 15-year-old daughters and sons of migrants in PISA 2009 and variations by region of origin and country of destination,
N. Kornder and Jaap Dronkers, from Maastricht University, Maastricht Research School of Economics of Technology and Organization (METEOR) (2012) Downloads

Do migrant girls always perform better? Differences between the reading and math scores of 15-year-old daughters and sons of migrants in PISA 2009 and variations by region of origin and country of destination,
N. Kornder and Jaap Dronkers, from Maastricht University, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) (2012) Downloads

Can gender differences in the educational performance of 15-year old migrant pupils be explained by the gender equality in the countries of origin and destination?,
Jaap Dronkers and N. Kornder, from Maastricht University, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) (2013) Downloads

Educational Achievement of Immigrant Children in Western Countries: Origin, Destination, and Community Effects on Mathematical Performance,
Mark Levels, Jaap Dronkers and Gerbert Kraaykamp, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2006)
Keywords: immigrant; educational achievement; cross-national comparison; PISA; origin country; destination country

Verschillen in groepsdiscriminatie, zoals waargenomen door immigranten uit verschillende herkomstlanden in veertien lidstaten van de Europese Unie,
Stéfani André, Jaap Dronkers and Fenella Fleischmann, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2008)
Keywords: discrimination; immigrants; cross-national differences; European Union; inclusion policies; multi-level

Negative selectivity of Europe’s guest-worker immigration?,
Jaap Dronkers and Manon de Heus, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2009)
Keywords: immigration; educational performance; selectivity of immigration; guest-workers

Ethnic Composition and School Performance in the Secondary Education of Turkish Migrant Students in Seven Countries and 19 European Educational Systems,
Gert-Jan Martijn Veerman and Jaap Dronkers, in International Migration Review (2016) Downloads

Contextual explanations for numeracy and literacy skill disparities between native and foreign-born adults in western countries,
Mark Levels, Jaap Dronkers and Christopher Jencks, in PLOS ONE (2017) Downloads

Explaining access to citizenship in Europe: How citizenship policies affect naturalization rates,
Jaap Dronkers and Maarten Peter Vink, in European Union Politics (2012)
Keywords: Citizenship; cross-national comparison; Europe; immigration; migration policies; naturalization

Differences in Family Policies and the Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce,
Henriette Engelhardt, Jaap Dronkers and Heike Trappe, in Demographic Research (2002)
Keywords: family policy, divorce risk, intergenerational transmission of divorce risk

Mind the Gap: Compositional, Cultural and Institutional Explanations for Numeracy Skills Disparities between Adult Immigrants and Natives in Western Countries,
Mark Levels, Jaap Dronkers and Christopher Jencks, from Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government (2014) Downloads

Differences in family policy and the intergenerational transmission of divorce: a comparison between the former East and West Germany,
Henriette Engelhardt, Heike Trappe and Jaap Dronkers, from Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany (2002) Downloads

The Educational Performance of Children of Immigrants in Sixteen OECD Countries,
Jaap Dronkers and Manon de Heus, from Rockwool Foundation Berlin (RF Berlin) - Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM) (2012)
Keywords: immigrants, educational performance, PISA, origin countries, destinationcountries, educational systems.

Positive but also negative effects of ethnic diversity in schools on educational performance? An empirical test using PISA data,
Jaap Dronkers and Rolf Van der Velden, from Rockwool Foundation Berlin (RF Berlin) - Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM) (2012) Downloads

Immigrants' Children Scientific Performance in a Double Comparative Design: The Influence of Origin, Destination, and Community,
Jaap Dronkers and Manon de Heus, from Rockwool Foundation Berlin (RF Berlin) - Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM) (2012)
Keywords: immigration, origin, destination, educational performance, PISA.

Ethnic composition of schools and school performances in secondary education of Turkish migrant students in 7 countries and 19 European educational systems,
Gert-Jan Veerman and Jaap Dronkers, from Rockwool Foundation Berlin (RF Berlin) - Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM) (2013)
Keywords: ethnic composition, Turkish migrant students, ethnic diversity, social capital

The high performance of Dutch and Flemish 15-year-old native pupils: explaining country differences in math scores between highly stratified educational systems,
T. Prokic-Breuer and Jaap Dronkers, from Maastricht University, Maastricht Research School of Economics of Technology and Organization (METEOR) (2012) Downloads

The high performance of Dutch and Flemish 15-year-old native pupils: explaining country differences in math scores between highly stratified educational systems,
T. Prokic-Breuer and Jaap Dronkers, from Maastricht University, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) (2012) Downloads

Why are migrant students better off in certain types of educational systems or schools than in others?,
Jaap Dronkers, Rolf Van der Velden and Allison Dunne, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2011)
Keywords: migrants; educational performance; educational systems; schools; destination country; origin country; cross-national; PISA

Not a zero-sum game: Migration and child well-being in contemporary China,
Duoduo Xu, Jaap Dronkers, Zhuoni Zhang and Xiaogang Wu, in Demographic Research (2018)
Keywords: migration, child well-being, migrant children, children left behind

Immigrant Pupils' Scientific Performance: The Influence of Educational System Features of Origin and Destination Countries,
Jaap Dronkers, Manon de Heus and Mark Levels, from Rockwool Foundation Berlin (RF Berlin) - Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM) (2012)
Keywords: immigration, origin, destination, educational system, educational performance,PISA.

Why are migrant students better off in certain types of educational systems or schools than in others? On the effects of educational systems, school composition, track level, parental background, and country of origin on the achievement of 15-year- old migrant students,
Jaap Dronkers, Rolf Van der Velden and Allison Dunne, from Rockwool Foundation Berlin (RF Berlin) - Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM) (2012) Downloads

The effects of educational systems, school-composition, track-level, parental background and immigrants' origin on the achievement of 15-years old native and immigrant students. A reanalysis of PISA 2006,
Jaap Dronkers, Rolf Van der Velden and Allison Dunne, from Maastricht University, Maastricht Research School of Economics of Technology and Organization (METEOR) (2011) Downloads

The effects of educational systems, school-composition, track-level, parental background and immigrants' origin on the achievement of 15-years old native and immigrant students: a reanalysis of PISA 2006,
Jaap Dronkers, Rolf Van der Velden and A. Dunne, from Maastricht University, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) (2011) Downloads

Curricula tracking and central examinations: counterbalancing the Impact of social background on student achievement in 36 countries,
Thijs Bol, Jacqueline Witschge, Herman van de Werfhorst and Jaap Dronkers, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2013)
Keywords: tracking, stratification, inequality of educational opportunity, PISA

The Utilisation of Domestic Capital for The Promotion of Economic Development,
Dronkers K.h, in Economics and Finance in Indonesia (1953) Downloads

Möglichkeiten betriebswirtschaftlicher Beurteilung privater Kapitalanlagen. Dargestellt am Beispiel des Bauherrenmodells,
Jaap, from Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin (1986)
Keywords: None

Religious Education in a Multicultural Society: School and Home in Comparative Context,
Emer Smyth, Merike Darmody, Sheila Riddell, Gillean McCluskey, Elisabet Weedon, Michalis Kakos, Linda Ahlgren, Kathleen Lynch, Maureen Lyons, Jaap Dronkers, Etaoine Howlett, Silvia Avram, Ides Nicaise, Goedroen Juchtmans, Bert Roebben, Anna Halsall, Christa Dommel and Mary Darmanin, from Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) (2010)
Keywords: education/Comparative/agency

Enkele algemene beschouwingen in verband met de uit‐voering van het Deltaplan*,
Dr. J. J. Dronkers, in Statistica Neerlandica (1965) Downloads

Les Pays-Bas et l'Europe monétaire après la Deuxième Guerre mondiale,
Jaap Barendregt, in Histoire, économie & société (1999) Downloads

Separated Unity: The Industrial Sector in 1936 in the Territory of the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany,
Sleifer Jaap, in Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook (2001) Downloads

Managing Strategic and Cultural Change in Organizations,
Jaap Boonstra, in Journal of Financial Transformation (2021)
Keywords: Transformational change; Financial transformation; Leading change; Organizational change; Organization development; Organizational culture; Global Alliance for Banking on Values;

Upper and Lower Bounds of Present Value Distributions of Life Insurance Contracts with Disability Related Benefi ts,
Jaap Spreeuw, in Review of Business and Economic Literature (2005)
Keywords: Convex order, comonotonic joint distribution, multistate life insurance contracts, present value distributions

Types of dependence and time-dependent association between two lifetimes in single parameter copula models,
Jaap Spreeuw, in Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (2006) Downloads

A Review of "Climate Change and Land Policies",
Jaap Vos, in Journal of the American Planning Association (2013) Downloads

Commanders of Dutch East India ships in the eighteenth century,
Jaap Jacobs, in Business History (2012) Downloads

The Probationary Period as a Screening Device: The Monopolistic Insurer,
Jaap Spreeuw, in The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review (2005) Downloads

Long Tail (Liability) Risks and Claims Made Policies,
Jaap Spier, in The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice (1998) Downloads

Daniel Carleton Gajdusek (1923–2008),
Jaap Goudsmit, in Nature (2009) Downloads

Lots of peanut shells but no elephant,
Jaap Goudsmit, in Nature (2002) Downloads

Bringing down the barriers,
Jaap Willems, in Nature (2003) Downloads

The Structure That Structures Us,
Jaap Dawson, in Urban Planning (2023)
Keywords: divine centre; living structures; original experience

Independent Human Rights Institutions for Children,
Jaap Doek, from (2011)
Keywords: children's councils; children's rights; convention on the rights of the child; evaluation; implementation of the crc; international instruments; monitoring; ombudsman for children;

The Copula Derived from the SAHARA Utility Function,
Jaap Spreeuw, in Risks (2022)
Keywords: copula; Archimedean generator; dependence; coupled lives

Neighborhood social capital and adolescents’ individual health development,
Jaap Nieuwenhuis, in Social Science & Medicine (2020)
Keywords: Neighborhood effects; Social capital; Health; Adolescence; Taiwan;

Some closure properties for subexponential distributions,
Jaap Geluk, in Statistics & Probability Letters (2009) Downloads

Asymptotics in the symmetrization inequality,
Jaap Geluk, in Statistics & Probability Letters (2004)
Keywords: Symmetrization Heavy tails Convolution Subexponentiality

Identification of Dynamic Discrete Choice Models,
Jaap Abbring, in Annual Review of Economics (2010)
Keywords: discrete decision process, optimal stopping, hazard, hitting time, heterogeneity

Asymptotics in the symmetrization inequality,
Jaap Geluk, from Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Economics (ESE), Econometric Institute (2003)
Keywords: convolution, heavy tails, subexponentiality, symmetrization

HRM and Performance: Achievements, Methodological Issues and Prospects,
Jaap Paauwe, in Journal of Management Studies (2009) Downloads

Mixed Hitting‐Time Models,
Jaap Abbring, in Econometrica (2012) Downloads

Uncertainties and the state of the art: a legal nightmare,
Jaap Spier, in Journal of Risk Research (2011) Downloads

Archimedean copulas derived from utility functions,
Jaap Spreeuw, in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (2014)
Keywords: IM10; IE12; IE43; Copula; Archimedean generator; Utility function; Risk aversion; Dependence;

Stayers versus defecting movers: a note on the identification of defective duration models,
Jaap Abbring, in Economics Letters (2002) Downloads

The Probationary Period as a Screening Device: The Monopolistic Insurer,
Jaap Spreeuw, in The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory (2005)
Keywords: probationary periods, adverse selection, monopoly, separating equilibrium, pooling equilibrium,

Mixed hitting-time models,
Jaap Abbring, from Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice, Institute for Fiscal Studies (2007) Downloads

Registered author: Jaap Nieuwenhuis

Frugal process innovation and local innovation systems - the case of a small producers' cluster in northern Vietnam,
Jaap Voeten, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2023)
Keywords: Business and Management, Development Studies, Economics and Finance, Innovations and Technology, Sociology and Social Policy, Sustainable Development Goals,

Does the EU renewable energy sector still need a guarantees of origin market?,
Jaap Jansen, from Centre for European Policy Studies (2017) Downloads

Dynamic Econometric Program Evaluation,
Jaap Abbring, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2003)
Keywords: dynamic policy evaluation, structural models, treatment effects, event-history analysis

Sustainability and Rangeland Management,
Jaap Arntzen, from Edward Elgar Publishing (1997)
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Environment,

Corporate Governance Going Astray: Executive Remuneration Built to Fail,
Jaap Winter, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2012)
Keywords: Business and Management, Law - Academic,

Inclusive innovation in small producers’ clusters in Vietnam: policy implications from grounded theory,
Jaap Voeten, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2017)
Keywords: Development Studies, Economics and Finance, Innovations and Technology,

Water Accounting in Botswana: Progress and Challenges,
Jaap Arntzen, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2006)
Keywords: Development Studies, Economics and Finance, Environment,

Separated unity: the East and West German industrial sector in 1936,
Jaap Sleifer, from Groningen Growth and Development Centre, University of Groningen (1999) Downloads

A benchmark comparison of East and West German industrial labour productivity in 1954,
Jaap Sleifer, from Groningen Growth and Development Centre, University of Groningen (2002) Downloads

Registered author: Jaap Spreeuw

Registered author: Jaap Spronk

A Series of Innovation Policy Briefs: Promoting Innovation and Finance for Productivity Growth in Low Income Countries (LICs),
Jaap Voeten, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (2015) Downloads

Policy Brief: Promoting Human Capital and Innovation in Low Income Countries (LICs),
Jaap Voeten, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (2015) Downloads

Policy Brief: Informality and Access to Finance in Low Income Countries (LICs),
Jaap Voeten, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (2016) Downloads

Policy Brief: Finance and the Demand for Skill,
Jaap Voeten, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (2016) Downloads

Policy Brief: Gender Diversity and Innovation,
Jaap Voeten, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (2016) Downloads

Policy Brief: Mobile Money, Trade Credit and Economic Development,
Jaap Voeten, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (2016) Downloads

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